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The Shape of Men’s Heads

Variations in head shapes exist amongst peoples of the world. In my work as a bespoke hat maker I have found some general variations exist  in head shape. Asian heads tend to be round with fullness at the temples. African heads are elongated like Neferatiti. Anglo Australian heads tend to be oval. When making hats […]

wooden hat forms

What Makes a Great Hat?

This depends who you are. For the wearer it must be comfortable and feel right. For the viewer it must suit the wearer in shape and style, complementing the personality. For me as a hat maker the hat must have a great shape. Nothing is more exciting than walking down the street and marvelling at […]


Hi, welcome to my hatters blog. As a passionate hat maker of 30 years, I am recently returned to  Australia from a global research trip looking at historic and contemporary headwear. Fortunate to receive a Winston Churchill fellowship, I explored headwear design in Japan, Europe, UK and USA. I visited museum collections, hat manufacturers, hat […]